The Real Wealth We are All Seeking, and It’s Definitely Not Money

Subtitle: The most important observation from my life experience and many others
Author: Doule Knot
Published At: 20th Aug 2020, 12:00 am
Keywords: wealth, money, understanding, comprehension, separation from conflation, Dasein, contextualism, observation and meaning of life, (normative) epistemology, categorical imperative

First of all. Let's be honest, let's be real... If you’re a delicate observer of our daily life encounters, you’ll find people are actually yearning for acquiring new understanding of their interest every single day, if not every single minute… Even though many people claim they love to teach or share their ideas to others, the truth is if you ponder deeply enough, ultimately people hope to learn some new valuable inspiration from their active interaction with or feedback from others, if not treat the teaching or sharing activities as a mere unending Sisyphean task for the next paycheck. For example, when we’re forming a technical star-team within a company to meet a challenging project, most of us would like to work with those members who has at least equal or better knowledge in relevant domain to learn from. In a word, both teacher and student are just hermeneutically-circular roles during a certain period of time, all people’s natural goal is same and simple, that is, to advance their own understanding of this world in whatever domain they’re interested in at a certain stage of their life.

Every living person’s self-motivation seems always to expand this understanding constantly like our ever-expanding universe after the Big Bang. Beware, I use the word understanding here, not the usual word like wealth. The meaning of understanding is subtly and relatively much more abstract than the meaning of wealth, it cannot be easily measured or communicated with another person who’s not a true fellow. This sufficiently proves why often times it’s extremely hard to know other people’s motivation, and after the act is done we’ll all be surprised. No one enjoys repetitive work or even leisure as another day passes without any new harvest in their mind. If this avarice of “understanding more about …” is suppressed for a long time and the person permanently stops yearning for this natural evolution, you’ll see this person will be inevitably drowned into the task-oriented machine-like depression state commonly seen everywhere in today’s society. It is this more knowing really keeps people feeling empowered. In this sense we can fully appreciate the original meaning of Francis Bacon’s famous old adage “Knowledge is power!” and treat it as a universal maxim of Kant's deontic categorical imperative. It can also be related to the original axiom of comprehension of Cantor's naive set theory which was later replaced by axiom of separation in ZF set theory, so this indicates understanding interpreted as usual comprehension may be more accurately interpreted as separation from conflated concepts within our limited involvement of the world, that is, Heidegger's Dasein translated to English as "being in the world". In the sixties contemporary American philosopher Hubert Dreyfus famously criticized most AI's unbounded context-free assumptions that human knowledge consists entirely of internal representations of reality, so later AI applications become much more focused and effective within a particular context only.

Once your passion for such knowledges ignites, you'll be almost immediately confused by your exploring and learning journey which is not easy, need to overcome lots of this and that unfamiliar new challenges. This is why some philosophers such as John McDowell understood philosophy to be therapeutic and thereby to leave everything as it is (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations) in order to get rid of all those confusions is its ultimate utility which he understands to be a form of philosophical quietism. Thus this series is dedicated to people who realize they’d better explore and apply this new understanding in the area of their chosen subject in order to attain a new altitude of their career, which seems so hard to breakthrough before. I call this the architecture of human understanding, of course this does not apply to popular machine learning, yet. But like in software engineering area, if one is not fully aware of the underlying architecture of a software app, he or she cannot go far enough to effectively refactor or improve it. Wait for my next article to explore more in detail the architecture of this human understanding, or traditionally called epistemology in philosophy…